The Western Provinces during the Republic and Early Empire

Конференция «Западные провинции в эпоху Республики и ранней Империи» состоится в Манчестере 16 ноября 2013 г. Это третье собрание в рамках серии конференций по проблемам изучения западных провинций Рима. Планируется до восьми 25-минутных выступлений, с 20-минутным обсуждением каждого из них. Стоимость участия — £8 (включая обед). Заявки (тезисы — до 300 слов) принимаются до 30 сентября 2013 г. Дополнительная информация по адресу:

Оригинальное сообщение:

CFP: The Western Provinces during the Republic and Early Empire

Papers are sought for the third meeting of the Liverpool-Manchester Workshop on the Western Provinces during the Republic and Early Empire, to be held in Manchester on 16th November 2013.

Following on from the success of our first two sessions, the aim of the semi-annual workshop is to continue to provide a forum for researchers, including postgraduate students, to share and discuss their current work. The idea is to share and explain methodologies and good practice in this formative geographical area and chronological period. At present, there is no intention to publish proceedings from this meeting; projects in progress intended for publication elsewhere are therefore welcome. Generous time will be allowed for discussion (proposed format of up to eight 25-minute papers, each followed by up to 20 minutes of discussion). The fourth session of the workshop will be held in Liverpool in the first half of 2014, and a fresh call for papers will be circulated in due course.

All participants will be required to make a contribution to cover costs which should not exceed £8 including lunch and refreshments. Postgraduates are reminded that they can apply to the Thomas Wiedemann Memorial Fund ( for help with travel expenses.

Abstracts of c. 300 words should be sent to the organisers by 30th September 2013.

For more information, or to submit an abstract, contact:

Источник: организаторы.


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