Reconsidering Popular Comedy, Ancient and Modern

Конференция «Еще раз о народной комедии. Античность и современность» состоится в Глазго 28-30 августа 2013 г. Цель мероприятия — проанализировать границы применимости понятия «народная» к древнегреческой и римской комедии и к комедии в другие исторические периоды. Вопросы для рассмотрения:

  • Насколько представление перед массовой аудиторией определяет форму и язык комедии?
  • Насколько в действительности «народными» были различные традиции создания комедий?
  • В какой степени и как «элитарное» и «народное» взаимодействовало в рецепции [античной] комедии?
  • Является ли удобным термин «народная комедия»?
  • и др.

Заявки (тезисы — до 250 слов) принимаются до 31 января 2013 г. Доклады должны быть рассчитаны на 30 минут.

Оригинальное сообщение:

Reconsidering Popular Comedy, Ancient and Modern
Date: Wed 28 — Fri 30 August 2013.
Location: University of Glasgow
Convenors: Costas Panayotakis and Ian Ruffell

The comic theatre of Greece and Rome, like that of many other crucial periods of comic history (e.g. Elizabethan and Jacobean drama; music hall; vaudeville) is often described as popular comedy. This conference aims to investigate the extent, limits and utility of considering comic drama to be «popular». We are particularly interested in the modes of performance and reception of comedy. How far does performance in front of a mass audience shape the form and language of comedy? How genuinely «popular» are different comic traditions? To what extent and in what ways do «elite» and «popular» interact in the original and subsequent contexts of reception? Is «popular comedy» a useful term or is it subsuming other more challenging concepts (such as, for example, class)? And to what extent can parallel themes in the production and reception of popular comedy be seen across cultures? The conference begins with the comic traditions of Greece and Rome, but is intended to broaden out the question to consider popular comedy in other periods and modes.

Confirmed speakers:
Martin Revermann (Toronto), James Robson (Open), Ralph Rosen (Penn), Alan Sommerstein (Nottingham), Gonda van Steen (Florida) and Peter Wiseman (Exeter).

The conference is supported by a grant from the Institute for Classical Studies.

We would like to invite proposals for papers of around 30 minutes in length on any aspect of the above. Titles and abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to Ian Ruffell ( by January 31, 2013.

We look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact either of us.

Costas & Ian

Dr Ian A Ruffell
Lecturer In Classics, School of Humanities
Room 407, 65 Oakfield Avenue, University of Glasgow G12 8QQ
tel. +44 (0) 141 330 5379

Источник: организаторы.


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