Writing about Civil War in Flavian RomeСекция «Авторы Рима эпохи Флавиев о гражданских войнах» в рамках VIII Biennial Celtic Conference in Classics пройдет в Эдинбурге 25-28 июня 2014 г. Среди предлагаемых для обсуждения тем следующие.
Доклады должны быть рассчитаны на 20 минут. Заявки (тезисы — до 300 слов без учета библиографии) принимаются до 1 ноября 2013 г. (отправлять на оба адреса: Lauren.Ginsberg@uc.edu, krasned@missouri.edu). Языки конференции: английский и французский. Оригинальное сообщение: Call for Papers: Writing about Civil War in Flavian Rome 8th Biennial Celtic Conference in Classics — Edinburgh, Scotland (June 25-28, 2014) Chairs: Lauren Ginsberg (University of Cincinnati) and Darcy Krasne (University of Missouri-Columbia) From Statius' fraternas acies to Martial's commemoration of Otho's Catonian end to the internecine narratives of Josephus' Bellum Iudaicum, Flavian authors' preoccupation with civil war is clear, transcending genre and subject matter. Nevertheless, while the past two decades have seen a surging interest in the Flavian era and have laid important groundwork for investigating the grotesque poetics and paradoxical narratives of Roman civil war literature more generally, the theme of civil war in Flavian literature has received comparatively little investigation. Our panel offers a venue for a fresh investigation of civil war as a central concern to Flavian authors, whether inspired by the recent events of 69 CE, the rapid canonization of Lucan, or the prominence of Republican bella civilia in Augustan literary models. To that end, we are soliciting abstracts for papers that offer diverse perspectives both on the literary strategies used by Flavian authors to narrate civil war and on the shifting significance of writing about civil war after its brutal reemergence in 69 CE. By examining the representation of civil war through a Flavian lens, we hope to push the boundaries of current studies in Flavian literature and offer a significant contribution to the study of Roman literary representations of civil war. Topics may include (but are not limited to): * Typologies of Flavian civil war narrative We welcome abstracts for papers of 20 minutes on any aspect of the theme of civil war in Flavian literature. Please submit abstracts of 300 words or less (excluding bibliography) by November 1, 2013 to both Lauren.Ginsberg@uc.edu and krasned@missouri.edu. The languages of the Celtic Conference in Classics are English and French. Источник: организаторы. 29.08.2013Метки: Конференции, Новости зарубежного антиковедения |