Late Antiquity Workshop

29 августа 2015 г. в Лондоне состоится семинар по поздней Античности, посвященный теме изменений во всех сферах жизни общества этой эпохи.

Заявки на участие (тезисы объёмом до 300 слов) принимаются до 17.00 12 июня 2015 г. по адресу:

Оригинальный текст:

The Postgraduate and Early Career Late Antiquity Network (hosted and supported by the Institute of Classical Studies) would like to invite contributions to its second workshop, to be convened around the theme of ‘conversions’. The workshop, to be held at Senate House, London, on Saturday, 29th August, aims at providing an informal, but focused, environment to present one’s research and discuss current trends and issues in the field of Late Antique studies. The latter, having undergone multiple transformations since its creation as a distinct discipline of Ancient History, has become in recent years a varied and multi-disciplinary scholarly field. From religious identity to spatial transformations and changing theoretical frameworks, the Late Antiquity Network therefore offers the opportunity to gather different perspectives, sets of evidence and methodologies within a single setting, so as to foster a dynamic and up-to-date academic environment and promote the study of Late Antiquity at postgraduate and early career levels.

The theme of this workshop, ‘conversions’, is here taken broadly, to include as many perspectives as possible, but we aim at providing a focused environment for discussion. Papers are therefore encouraged, although not restricted, to focus on one of the following perspectives:

· Religious Conversions: from conversions to Christianity or asceticism to the legal ban of conversions to Judaism and the social and administrative consequences of changing one’s faith, this section welcomes as varied perspectives, case studies and interpretative frameworks as possible so as to build a multi-faceted tableau of this aspect of late Antique religious history.

· Conversions of Sacred Spaces: The aim of this session is to address the transformation of temples and shrines in the textual and archaeological record. This can include the reuse and/or division of sacred spaces so that they could be used for secular activities, by Christians, or by a different ‘pagan’ group; or may involve the use of materials from temples and shrines as spolia elsewhere.

· Topographic Conversions: The conversion of civic and public spaces from both archaeological and literary evidence. This could include converting certain types of buildings, or converting spaces for different usage; spolia and the conversion of materials for reuse; or descriptions of change, whether legal, administrative, or otherwise.

· Theories of Conversions: how do we approach the idea of conversion, from religious conversion to material or spatial conversion? Theories and methods to explain or analyse conversion for scholars of Late Antiquity. What problems arise in discussing conversion, and how do theoretical approaches help mediate these problems.

· Institutional and Political and Imperial Conversions: this topic could include discussions of institutional transformations, political conversions from a Roman to post-Roman world or the conversion of public buildings and space for political reasons.

· ‘Ethnic’ Identity and Conversions in Material Culture: The transformation of social groups, particularly in frontier societies, as Roman hegemony collapsed and new forms of identity emerged. For example, this may include (but is not limited to) changes in clothing, weaponry, religious practices or burial style that are evident in the archaeological or textual record.

Abstracts should be addressed to, be no longer than 300 words and sent before Friday, 12th June, 5pm. Join us on our Facebook group ( for more updates!

Looking forward to receiving your proposals,

Rebecca Usherwood, Jeff Veitch, Gabrielle Villais and David Walsh

Источник: оргкомитет.



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