Recent Research on Ancient Galatia

Конференция «Новые исследования древней Галатии» пройдет в г. Уотерлу (Канада) 13-14 марта 2014 г. Темы для обсуждения:

  • (де)конструкция образа и этничности галатов;
  • храмовое государство и город Пессинунт;
  • история культов Кибелы и римских императоров;
  • урбанизация;
  • римское провинциальное управление.

Среди участников — Олег Леонидович Габелко (РГГУ).

Доклады должны быть рассчитаны на 25 минут. Обсуждение — ок. 30 минут. Планируется опубликовать материалы конференции в серии «Colloquia Antiqua» (Leuven: Peeters). Заявки (тезисы ок. 250 слов) принимаются до 17 января 2014 г. Участие бесплатное, возможно будет оплачено проживание и питание.

Оригинальное сообщение:

Workshop ‘Recent Research on Ancient Galatia’
University of Waterloo, 13-14 March 2014

After David Magie’s Roman Asia Minor (1950), Stephen Mitchell’s magisterial Anatolia (1993) represented the first major historical synthesis of central Asia Minor in Hellenistic and Roman times, especially of Galatia and its adjacent territories. This landmark publication spurred further studies to a degree that the topical lamentation about the neglect of Galatia by Archaeologists, Epigraphists and Historians is now out-fashioned. On the
contrary, in a survey article published in Anatolia Antiqua (39, 2013, 169-195), I have tried to make the wealth of the diverse and dispersed scholarship of some 250 recent publications more accessible, thereby attempting a preliminary synthesis, identifying current trends, showcasing ongoing research and discussing some of the still most controversial questions. The upcoming workshop is designed to foster the dialogue among colleagues from all relevant disciplines with a sustained interest in Galatia, in order to share, compare, and contextualize most recent research results.

Topics will include:

  • the (de-) construction of the image and ethnicity of Galatians (Konstantin Boshnakov, Toronto; Oleg Gabelko, Moscow; Thomas Nelson, Oxford; Ryan Walsh, Hamilton ON);
  • temple state and city of Pessinous (Angelo Verlinde, Ghent; Gocha Tsetskhladze, Melbourne [not yet confirmed]);
  • history of the cults of Cybele and the Roman Emperors (Edward Dandrow, Orlando FL; Altay Coşkun, Waterloo ON);
  • urbanization (Shannan Stewart, Illinois [not yet confirmed]; Christian Wallner, Graz);
  • Roman provincial rule (Mustafa Adak, Antalya).

Paper presentations will be 25 mins long, followed by discussions of ca. 30 mins. The proceedings are planned to be published in the series Colloquia Antiqua, ed. by Gocha Tsetskhladze, Leuven: Peeters. A few further paper proposals will be warmly welcomed. Please, send abstracts of ca. 250 words and short CVs to by Friday, January 17, 2014. Advanced students may want to have their application endorsed by a short email by their supervisor. A limited number of colleagues and students who cannot present this time, but are planning to start or resume research on Anatolia in the future will be likewise welcome, though registration is required. There will be no conference fee, and we hope to be able to cover the costs for accommodation and meals for those who will present.

Altay Coşkun, Classical Studies, University of Waterloo

Источник: организаторы.


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